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AITIS is active in both healthcare diagnostics and healthcare prevention. We aim to save lives and improve the health and well-being of our society. Our team provides AI products to detect, measure, inform, alert, raise awareness and explainability.
More than 25% of chronic wounds are misdiagnosed.
Our mission is to make leading, explainable and cost-effective wound diagnosis AI technology solutions accessible to everyone.
The Economic Burden
Each country has a significant econonic burden. For example, the UK NHS spends over £6bn per year on wound care and rising. Singapore spends over S$1.1bn per year on wound care.
Patient Impact
Impacts also family and work
Emotional distress
Reduced mobility
Social Isolation
Likely home/bed-bound

​​​What makes AITIS different?

AI Innovation
Our cutting-edge AI innovation accelerated by the AITIS platform for model creation with explainable AI and client-deployment.

Clinical Trials
We have completed 2-year hospital wound clinical trials, are published in the IWJ and starting new predictive clinical trials this year.

We provide scalable, efficient, cost-effective AI solutions and can offer volume- and value-based or other pricing to suit our client needs.
Our Wound App


Our Credentials

AITIS was 2nd runner up out of 80 teams that participated in the SG Healthcare Datathon 2021.

AITIS was amongst the 9 winners in the Welsh Precision Medicine Challenge in July 2022.
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